Vacancy: Acute Social Prescribing Link Worker North Uttlesford

North Uttlesford PCN has an exciting opportunity for an acute social prescribing link worker to join our neighbourhood team, on a full-time or part-time basis, for up to 37.5 hours per week.

This innovative post will operate within the Cambridge Hospitals Foundation Trust (Addenbrooke’s Hospital) as part of the complex discharge team to facilitate and expedite hospital discharges.  Hosted by the local voluntary sector, this exciting role is intended to work with individual patients and their families to support effective discharge planning.  This is role intended to act as an expert in voluntary care and in leveraging community voluntary services in support of post-acute hospital care.

The main responsibilities of the role include:

  • Receiving and proactively identify patients in Addenbrooke’s Hospital who require additional support in order to facilitate a successful and long standing discharge.
  • Providing personalised support to vulnerable individuals.
  • Working in partnership with the GP practice teams, and PCN colleagues to support patients & promote positive lifestyle changes, with the aim of preventing ill-health by means of behavioural change techniques.
  • Completing holistic-care planning assessments, analysing how needs can be met by local services and other opportunities available in the community.
  • Providing information/advice about a wide range of services in order to promote health & well-being in order to support independence within communities.
  • Forging strong links with local VCSE organisations, community & neighbourhood level group.
  • Contributing to reducing demand on statutory services, hospital re-admissions and to combat unnecessary GP appointments.
  • Working with patients in their own homes, to provide personalised person-centred support following discharge from hospital.

For further information and to apply please visit:

Ticket Home – Evaluation of a hospital discharge service

A new report has been co-produced by staff from Uttlesford Community Action Network (UCAN) and social scientists at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) as part of a consultancy evaluation of the Ticket Home hospital discharge service provided by UCAN.

The report presents a summary analysis of the academic and policy literature relating to the challenges involved in the safe and timely discharge of patients from hospital, as well as an evaluation of the achievements and challenges entailed by UCAN in supporting safe and timely discharge of patients from Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH), Harlow, to their homes across West Essex, from December 2022 to November 2023. Detailed information is provided on actions undertaken to support patients who were discharged by UCAN’s Ticket Home initiative.

A copy of the evaluation can be downloaded here.


UCAN would like to acknowledge and thank the Hertfordshire & West Essex Integrated Care System and the specific Commissioners involved, Michelle Bullman and Sara Chaudhry, in agreeing to fund this initiative across the West Essex area, along with the ongoing support in its development provided by Sara Chaudhry and Amy Jackson. We would also like to thank the Transfer of Care Team at Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow, for their support and partnership working. Specifically, Kay Cobbold, the TOC Matron, who played a distinct role in the successful integration of this initiative within the hospital as a whole

Job Opportunity: Acute Social Prescribing Link Worker – PAH Harlow

We have an exciting opportunity to join our Ticket Home team, supporting patient discharge from hospital

We have an exciting opportunity to join our Ticket Home team, supporting patient discharge from hospital

This post will operate within the Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust as part of the Complex Discharge Team to facilitate and expedite hospital discharges. Employed within the Voluntary sector this exciting role is intended to work with individual patients and their families to support effective discharge planning. This is new role intended to act as an expert in voluntary care and in leveraging community voluntary services in support of post-acute hospital care.

This role is part of ambitious plans for transforming care and ensuring timely and appropriate discharge arrangements. The post holder will be expected to operate flexibly and collaboratively with all stakeholders, demonstrating practical skills and excellent communication and co-ordination. The role will be part of a multi-disciplinary team and will be central to the delivery of supported hospital discharge and post-acute care.

The post will be employed by Uttlesford Community Action Network (UCAN), which is working in partnership with the health and social care system to deliver high quality patient care. This role is critical to supporting the systems ambition to optimise hospital discharges and to support effective post-acute care.

The focus of the role will be to support patients admitted to hospital, making decisions for themselves rather than being more dependent upon others. The post holder will be asking ‘What do you need help with?’ and seeking to find solutions that help maintain independence. By having knowledge of community and voluntary support groups and focusing on ‘what matters to me’ the post holder will take a holistic approach, connecting people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support.

The aim of the role will be to help to strengthen personal resilience, to reduce health inequalities by addressing the wider determinants of health and wellbeing and to provide practical support to achieve a safe and timely discharge from hospital. The post holder will work with all patient groups, but particularly with patients that are vulnerable and those with complex care needs which affect their ability to maintain independence.

Download Job Description and Person Specification

To apply

Download and complete our application form, and return with a covering letter. Please note that we do not accept CV’s.

This post will require an Enhanced DBS check and references.

Closing date for applications is midday 20th June 2023.

Please send completed applications to

Job Opportunity: Acute Social Prescribing Link Worker – PAH Harlow

We have an exciting opportunity to join our Ticket Home team, supporting patient discharge from hospital

We have an exciting opportunity to join our Ticket Home team, supporting patient discharge from hospital

This post will operate within the Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust as part of the Complex Discharge Team to facilitate and expedite hospital discharges. Employed within the Voluntary sector this exciting role is intended to work with individual patients and their families to support effective discharge planning. This is new role intended to act as an expert in voluntary care and in leveraging community voluntary services in support of post-acute hospital care.

This role is part of ambitious plans for transforming care and ensuring timely and appropriate discharge arrangements. The post holder will be expected to operate flexibly and collaboratively with all stakeholders, demonstrating practical skills and excellent communication and co-ordination. The role will be part of a multi-disciplinary team and will be central to the delivery of supported hospital discharge and post-acute care.

The post will be employed by Uttlesford Community Action Network (UCAN), which is working in partnership with the health and social care system to deliver high quality patient care. This role is critical to supporting the systems ambition to optimise hospital discharges and to support effective post-acute care.

The focus of the role will be to support patients admitted to hospital, making decisions for themselves rather than being more dependent upon others. The post holder will be asking ‘What do you need help with?’ and seeking to find solutions that help maintain independence. By having knowledge of community and voluntary support groups and focusing on ‘what matters to me’ the post holder will take a holistic approach, connecting people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support.

The aim of the role will be to help to strengthen personal resilience, to reduce health inequalities by addressing the wider determinants of health and wellbeing and to provide practical support to achieve a safe and timely discharge from hospital. The post holder will work with all patient groups, but particularly with patients that are vulnerable and those with complex care needs which affect their ability to maintain independence.

Download Job Description and Person Specification

To apply

Download and complete our application form, and return with a covering letter. Please note that we do not accept CV’s.

This post will require an Enhanced DBS check and references.

Closing date for applications is midday 20th April 2023.

Please send completed applications to