Virtual Reality Wellbeing

UCAN is excited to be partnering with Virtual Reality Therapies CIC for an innovative pilot study exploring how virtual reality can support carers. This year-long project will see us training social prescribers, volunteers and statutory partners to run our VR wellbeing sessions aimed at improving the quality of life for carers in Uttlesford.

Carers often face significant challenges, prioritising their loved ones’ needs over their own and feeling guilty when they do struggle. Anxiety about leaving their loved ones alone can make them feel trapped at home, exacerbating feelings of isolation and stress. Our VR sessions aim to bring the world to them instead, offering a range of benefits for mental and physical health. Whether it’s travelling the world, relaxing by a beach, or enjoying “me” time—all from the comfort of your home.

We would like to thank Essex Carers Community Fund for supporting this pilot.

How does it work?

VR Wellbeing sessions provide moments of respite, freedom to express yourself and a safe space to explore your dreams. It’s about helping carers put themselves first for a change, even if just for a little while.   Our VR Wellbeing trained advisor will bring the equipment to your home where you will be supervised in using it to have a VR experience.  You are able to choose where you visit and what you do from a diverse menu of experiences – could be a walk along the beach enjoying the sounds of the ocean or a trip to the International Space Station!  We build in regular breaks and this isn’t just a one off experience.  Once referred the programme, we will visit with you for a minimum of six weeks (once per week) and you can enjoy a different experience each time.

How to Refer

We are now accepting referrals for our VR wellbeing sessions.   Professionals/case workers please make a referral using Uttlesford Frontline:

Online Referral Form @ Uttlesford Frontline

If you would like to refer yourself or a loved one, please email or telephone 03333 408218.    We look forward to hearing from you.