FREE Suicide Awareness Workshops

Mind in West Essex have a FREE workshop consisting of two 2 hour sessions

Mind in West Essex have a FREE workshop consisting of two 2 hour sessions

These cover:

  • Suicidal feelings
  • Risk factors
  • Why suicide?
  • Myths
  • How to help

On completion of the 2 workshops you will receive continued online follow up support sessions:

  • Informal (a chance to offload)
  • Formal 1:1 support

To book on to one of the courses, please click below:

Join Good Thing Foundation’s Online Centres Network

If you’re a community organisation that is or wants to support your community members to get online and access the benefits of digital – then joining the Online Centres Network will help you do exactly that

Good Things Foundation’s Online Centres Network is made up of thousands of grassroots organisations that are all working to deliver digital inclusion support in their local communities

If you’re a community organisation that is or wants to support your community members to get online and access the benefits of digital – then joining the network will help you do exactly that. It is free to join and offers a range of free services, such as: 

  • Access to the National Databank
  • Free training and resources
  • Networking opportunities
  • Access to an online learning platform, Learn My Way.

The National Databank is giving free mobile data to people who can’t afford their internet connection. By signing up to the network, you will be eligible to join and start giving out data vouchers. 

The network is open to any organisation that is delivering or wants to deliver digital inclusion support. Find out more and sign up here or contact for more information. 

Six tips for writing effective charity copy

Our friends at localgiving have to put together some handy hints on how to write effective communication and fundraising messages to build support for your charity and voluntary groups

Our friends at localgiving have to put together some handy hints on how to write effective communication and fundraising messages to build support for your charity and voluntary groups

Your charity does amazing things. You know this, we know this – but do your potential donors or volunteers know this?

While it is true that we live in an increasingly visual world, it is important not to underestimate the enduring power of persuasive writing. It (literally) pays to spend time on crafting your copy.

In this blog we give six essential copywriting tips to help you raise awareness and bring in funding for your cause.

Directory of Social Change: Funds Online service

Funds Online makes finding the right funder simple, efficient and puts all the information you need at your fingertips.

The Directory of Social Change offers a great service for finding grants, which organisations can access on a flexible subscription basis. Funds Online makes finding the right funder simple, efficient and puts all the information you need at your fingertips. The service lists over 8000 sources of funding, including private and statutory grants, and enables you to track grant applications and the success of your team in securing funding.

Find out more information here.

My Community: All the latest tools, tips and ideas to make your community an even better place to live

My Community is a website for people and organisations who are passionate about their communities. Whether setting up a foodbank or planning finances, we all need a little help at times. My Community is the go-to place for this support.

Importantly, these are resources you can trust. All the content on My Community has been curated, written, designed or hand-picked by leading voluntary sector organisations who truly understand what communities need to survive and thrive, including NAVCA.

Check it out here