Uttlesford Community Action Network is the charity at the heart of our community. Improving the quality of life for people in Uttlesford. We are looking for volunteers to support our Mobile Hub coordinator, taking the UCAN Hub out to various locations throughout Uttlesford improving access to support our services in the district.
We are looking for a volunteer Drivers Mate to support our Mobile Hub coordinator, taking the UCAN Hub out to various locations throughout Uttlesford improving access to support our services in the district.
You will need to meet at a farm just outside Great Dunmow.
Help is needed with:
- Getting the vehicle out of the storage space
- Loading the Hub
- Accompany the Driver (can drive if hold a driving licence with D1)
- Setting up the Hub on arrival at the destination
- Packing up at the end of the session
- Assistance in guiding the hub drive to reverse into barn
Times to be agreed 4 – 5 hours. This is an ad hoc role dates to be confirmed.
Skills needed:
- This is a physical role so some strength will be needed.
- Patience
- Meeting and Greeting public
- Customer facing
- Team working
For further information:
Contact us on T: 01371 404525 E: volunteer@ucan.org.uk
To register your interest: Click Here