The café is housed in the Takeley Community Hub – Providing a warm and welcoming venue serving food and drink at low prices.
Volunteers are needed to provide great service to our customers at the Community Café. We need you for 4 hours every Friday morning. The role includes greeting customers, taking orders, preparing drinks and serving food. As with any café job, there will be table clearing and simple light cleaning tasks (wiping tables for example) and we all muck in with the washing up as and when that is needed too. You will not be asked to prepare food.
We are looking for someone to give all our customers a friendly welcome. You need to enjoy working as part of team and be willing to help with all aspects of the role.
No formal qualifications are needed but we will give you some basic training in food safety and in the ‘front of house’ role.
Understanding the importance of hygiene is crucial and we are required to follow standard guidance as a food business. Most of this is common sense but we will go through the basics with you.
For further information:
Contact us on T: 01371 404525 E:
To register your interest: Click Here