Baby and Toddler Rhyme Time Volunteers needed at local libraries
As a volunteer at baby and toddler rhyme times, you will deliver rhyme sessions, and support the development of children by sharing your enjoyment of books and rhymes.
What will it involve?
- Preparing the children’s library for the session – putting out chairs and selecting stories and rhymes
- Meeting and greeting the parents/carers and children and making everyone feel welcome
- Joining in or delivering the session and building a good rapport with the group
- Chatting with families about the benefits of early book sharing and the importance of talking and singing rhymes with their children
- Directing specific enquiries to library staff
- Clearing the area once the session end
- Warmth and friendliness
- Able to relate to children and their families
- Enthusiasm to promote sharing books and reading with families
- An enthusiasm for libraries and awareness of the range of services offered
For Further information:
Contact us on Tel: 01371 404525 Email: