Ticket Home – Evaluation of a hospital discharge service

A new report has been co-produced by staff from Uttlesford Community Action Network (UCAN) and social scientists at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) as part of a consultancy evaluation of the Ticket Home hospital discharge service provided by UCAN.

The report presents a summary analysis of the academic and policy literature relating to the challenges involved in the safe and timely discharge of patients from hospital, as well as an evaluation of the achievements and challenges entailed by UCAN in supporting safe and timely discharge of patients from Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH), Harlow, to their homes across West Essex, from December 2022 to November 2023. Detailed information is provided on actions undertaken to support patients who were discharged by UCAN’s Ticket Home initiative.

A copy of the evaluation can be downloaded here.


UCAN would like to acknowledge and thank the Hertfordshire & West Essex Integrated Care System and the specific Commissioners involved, Michelle Bullman and Sara Chaudhry, in agreeing to fund this initiative across the West Essex area, along with the ongoing support in its development provided by Sara Chaudhry and Amy Jackson. We would also like to thank the Transfer of Care Team at Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow, for their support and partnership working. Specifically, Kay Cobbold, the TOC Matron, who played a distinct role in the successful integration of this initiative within the hospital as a whole

Our first wave of Ticket Home volunteers have completed training and are ready to start supporting our hospital discharge scheme across West Essex

Our first wave of TicketHome volunteers have completed training and are ready to start supporting our hospital discharge scheme across West Essex

Ticket Home starts with asking a hospital patient “What do you need?” We then work with them, their family and carers to make sure everything is in place for when they go home from hospital.

This can range from a simple key safe installation for easier access, through to providing hot meals and sandwich teas while they recover at home. Every patient discharged receives a 48 hour follow up phone call, and weekly telephone wellbeing checks for up to six weeks, if wanted.

We are working with #voluntarysector partners across Uttlesford, Harlow and Epping Forest to ensure that residents can continue to live independently in their own home, for as long as they wish. We also work with GP surgeries and #SocialPrescribers to ensure continuing care and understanding of needs going forward.

Ticket Home is currently available at Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow as a pilot scheme, but fantastic results have lead to interest from other hospitals in Essex and we hope to extend to them soon.

In-patients or their family/carers can self-refer, by asking a member of the nursing staff or filling out our short online form. One of our four Acute Social Prescribing Link Workers (Mike, Yasmin, Maddie and Ali) will visit the patient on the ward to discuss what we can do, and how we can help. Ticket Home is a free service.

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